Own your Membership

You're our priority. We're here to provide all of the support you need, ­and the services that will make managing your money as easy and convenient as possible.

Popular with members: 


Digital Banking with 24/7 Credit Score Access

Open an account
Online now


Deposits insured for a minimum of $1 Million

Ask our Mortgage Team your Home Loan questions

Open a low, fixed-rate
Credit Card


Apply online for your next Loan

Help with Debt Consolidation

Loan Payment options 


Sign up for

Bank nationwide with
CO-OP Banking



Social Media

If you don't already spend some time with us on social media, please do! We make announcements, connect to our communities, and share financial goal tips. Plus, we have a lot of fun!

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Easy, free tools to help you prevent fraud.  

You're busy. You need smart tools to help you monitor your money and prevent fraud. Check out some of the free services we offer to help you monitor your money 24/7.
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Unexpected changes to your credit score can be an early warning sign of identity theft. We think it's so important to know your credit score we put it right into our Mobile Banking App and in Online Banking for easy access.

learn more

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Encrypt your West Community Credit Cards and Debit Cards with  the digital payment method of your choice. It's a simple, easy way to protect your payment info and keep your accounts safe under multiple layers of security.  


woman looking at phone


Keep tabs on your accounts  with real-time email or text alerts. Login to digital banking to choose what you want to know. Schedule daily balance alerts, customize debit & credit card use alerts, set loan due alerts, and a lot more! 

enroll in digital Banking